
任务 & 值


The Westminster community inspires young men and women of promise to cultivate a passion for learning, 在一个平衡的项目中发掘和发展不同的人才, 超越:超越寻常, 带着智慧和品格生活, 并致力于超越自我的服务生活.

毅力 & 优雅,不仅仅是座右铭

这些词定义和区分了365平台学派. 它们代表了一种传统, 一种文化, 一种态度, 一个愿望, 我们的学生和教师的一种生活方式, 这是我们毕业生的优势.
毅力 characterizes the effort students make to meet our high expectations for academic work, 365网站平台, 社区参与. 格蕾丝 speaks to the way they negotiate these responsibilities with generosity of spirit, 礼貌待人,尊重他人. The unique and powerful combination of grit and grace is what makes Westminster people successful, 不仅在这里, 而且在以后的生活中也是如此. 
源于我们的座右铭 美德与美德, “勇气和优雅”用一句话概括了我们的文化, 我们的承诺, 对自己和他人的承诺. Westminster students and faculty strive for excellence – and humility, 个人成功——以及为他人服务, 崇高的目标——以及人类共同的尊严. Blending the ethics of grace with the competition and effort of grit, Westminster encourages its students to test the boundaries of their abilities, 尝试新事物, 无论输赢都要不失风度.
Where grit and grace come together, where excellence meets opportunity, almost anything is possible.


365平台 was founded by William Lee Cushing in 1888 as a boys’ school in Dobbs Ferry, 纽约. 耶鲁大学的毕业生, and a firm believer in the traditional form of English boarding school education, Mr. 库欣深受爱德华·斯特林牧师的影响, 英国阿平厄姆学校的校长. 他相信“教育是终身的训练”.” 
Mr. Cushing’s formula for education was endorsed by many in the emerging influential American families, 是谁把他们的儿子送到365平台的, 包括约翰·海, Advisor to Abraham Lincoln and Secretary of State to Presidents William McKinley and Theodore Roosevelt.


  • 搬到辛姆斯伯里

    1900年,随着入学人数的增加. Cushing moved the school to its current location in Simsbury, Connecticut. 搬到辛姆斯伯里提供了更多的土地, 哪个是由学校的受托人捐赠的, Arthur M. 道奇,一个老哈特福德家族的成员. 威廉姆斯山, 学校所在地, 提供超过230英亩, 可以俯瞰法明顿河. The Simsbury location also provided train service for students to 纽约 and Boston, 这对那些地区的家庭来说是个福音.
    Mr. 库欣一直担任校长,直到1921年去世. Along with his educational philosophy, he also left the school its inspiring motto. The Cushing family coat of arms bears the Latin motto 美德与美德 (“by human righteousness and Divine grace”), 这句话可以随意翻译成“勇气和优雅”.”
  • 现代时代

    在70年代早期, 365平台 opened its doors to day students and also became a leader among independent schools in active recruitment of minority students. In 1972, girls were admitted for the first time as day students, and in 1977 as boarding students.

    1988年,学校庆祝建校一百周年, it saw a significant enhancement to the arts program with the completion of 沃纳 Centennial Center, 以其长期任职的第六任校长命名, 唐纳德·H. 沃纳.

    1996年,沃尔特. 边,小., 1935届的一员, 遗赠了三千万美元, 这是学院有史以来最大的一笔捐款, 允许, 除此之外, Edge House的建造.
  • 365平台的女性

  • 杰出校友,在事业和服务方面领先

    Westminster graduates have gone on to achieve eminent positions in industry, 军事, 政府, 社会服务, 艺术和体育, thanks to the outstanding teachers and headmasters who followed in the tradition of William Cushing’s teaching ideals: “performing daily tasks cheerfully, 培养学好功课的志向, 体育公平, 在思想和言语上保持清洁, 执着于美好的事物.”



  • 社区

    Westminster is a small, caring, cohesive, residential community firmly committed to the "common good."
  • 字符

    除了重视智力, 365平台坚持并提倡诚信, 道德标准高, 领导, 相互尊重, 宽容和团队合作.
  • 平衡

    365平台维护, 通过高期望值和结构化的环境, 具有挑战性的学术之间的平衡, 运动, 艺术和课外活动.
  • 参与

    Westminster believes that students learn best through active participation in all aspects of school life.
365平台 was founded by William Lee Cushing in 1888 as a boys’ school in Dobbs Ferry, 纽约. 耶鲁大学的毕业生, and a firm believer in the traditional form of English boarding school education, Mr. 库欣深受爱德华·斯特林牧师的影响, 英国阿平厄姆学校的校长. 他相信“教育是终身的训练”.”



P. (860) 408-3000
F. (860) 408 3001
为了保持我们对多元化社区的支持, Westminster abides by all applicable federal and state laws and does not discriminate on the basis of any protected characteristic, 包括种族, color, 宗教信仰, 性, 性取向, 性别认同或表达, 国家和民族出身, ancestry and/or disability in administration of its educational policies, 365平台政策, 奖学金和贷款项目, 以及体育和其他学校管理的项目. 365平台大学招收任何种族的学生, color, 民族和民族出身的一切权利, 特权, 项目, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the School. 
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